I thought I'd give Thankful Thursday a whirl since it's been awhile since I've done one. And just feeling the need to lift up an attitude of grattitude today!
Today, I'm thankful:
- For medical advances that are helping support and sustain the lives of our friends' twin baby boys, born 10 weeks premature.
- For and blessed by the countless prayers, gestures of love and support, and offers help going out from friends and family for those babies and their parents.
- To my Dad for driving my hubby to the airport at 4a.m. this morning so I wouldn't have to get myself and the kids up to do so!
- For realizing that even though we have a large, daunting air conditioning repair to make, that it could still be worse!
- For the plethera of sweet kisses and squeezy hugs from my 2yr-old daughter the last couple of days. (They've been really needed, and have tried to really soak up those moments!)