Thursday, November 26, 2009


Wow- it's already Thanksgiving, can you believe it?!  2009 is almost over...I just don't know where the time went!  Well, I've spent a lot of time lately worrying about bills and money, fretting the future and headache-inducing 'how did we get here?' questions, but now it's time to really stop -hand it all over to God - and consider the BLESSINGS in my life!  

1.  I'm thankful for my very own Renaissance Man!  I'm awed by my hubby's strength and endurance, and blessed by his partnership.

2.  I adore my kids' smiles and laughter.    It truly tickles my heart to watch them playing, laughing, and having fun together or with Daddy!

3.   Extremely thankful for the massage I had today!  I finally cashed in the birthday gift from my Mom (from March!!!  am i cwazy or what?!) and it was a much-needed hour of relaxation and tension-release!  THANKS, MOM, LUV YA!

4.  Incredibly grateful for the small, yet wonderfully significant, financial blessing we received this week that allowed us to make something happen that we feared we wouldn't be able to!

5.  This one's more of a praise/prayer.  They're words to an old Dennis Jernigan song: 

"For all that You've done I will thank You, and for all that You're going to do...For all that You've promised and all that You are, and all that has carried me thru, Jesus I thank You....Thank You for loving and setting me free, thank You for giving Your life just for me, how I thank You, Jesus I THANK YOU..."

Thanks for stopping by!

 Kristi  :-D

1 comment:

Cheryl Barker said...

Great list, Kristi. I still adore my kids' smiles and laughs -- and they are 26 and 29 now! Hope you're enjoying the Christmas season!