Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

It's Thursday!  That means I'm starting my first Thankful Thursday post.  Each week, I'll share 5 things I'm thankful/grateful for.  Here we go:

1.  My hubby & my kiddos.  They enrich my life and are really good at making sure it's never boring!

2.  My hand-me-down iPhone.  Silly, I know!  Hubby got a new one, I got his old one.  It's not the latest & greatest version, but it's still an iPhone and it works.  And I'm hooked! 

3.  Internet TV!  Since losing our DVR (and cable), it's really nice to be able to turn to the Internet to catch shows I miss! 

4.  Facebook.  Via Facebook, a couple of days ago an old high school friend of mine posted a link to an old favorite song that had long slipped my mind.  Yes, it's just a song, but it spoke to my heart and my current circumstances.  It was right on time.  Thanks, Christi - I needed that!

5.  Pioneer Woman (Ree Drummond).  Thanks to her blog, ( among other things, that you'll probably hear about later, I've grown to love cooking for my family, and have discovered a growing interest in photography. (or photo editing, anyway!).  Well, these are two of my hubby's favorite pastimes, so he's thrilled about my piquing interest in them!  (Especially since he's having little success getting me on a bicycle - his other favorite hobby!)

That's my list for this week.  Seems to have a technology theme to it, doesn't it?!  I'm thankful for it today.  There are times when it can be an annoyance and distraction, but today, technology = GOOD!

1 comment:

Cheryl Barker said...

Neat list, Kristi. I'm a Facebook fan, too -- will have to look you up! I also enjoy Pioneer Woman. Great minds must think alike, huh? :)