Monday, September 27, 2010

Multitude Monday

Happy Monday!  Here are some highlights of my 'gifts' from last week, on my Thousand Gifts journey:

13. The journal my sweet hubby surprised me with to document my 1000 gifts.
20. Our friends being able to bring home the first of their premature twins, Eli, from the hospital.
23. Finding grace for myself, little by little...knowing that 'tomorrow is another day', another opportunity to    try again.
25. Becoming more aware of and longing for the quiet.
27. My Pastor's vision and call to action
30. Special time relaxing, hangin' out with my family watching a movie together.
32. Hugs from my Hollie.  :-)
34. My 6yr-old son telling me he loves my corn casserole.  ;-)
35. Watching my kids make up silly, non-sensical games & then cracking up at themselves.  Priceless!
37. Our first beautiful Fall day!

Thanks for joining me on my journey.  If you would like to join The Gratitude Community with your own journey of One Thousand Gifts, you can link up here at A Holy Experience

holy experience

1 comment:

Cheryl Barker said...

Love hearing about blessings -- and congrats on the new journal! I love pretty journals :)