"Small is always the leverage of the large." I love that. I need some new habits. Freeing habits! Won't you join me? Take a peek over here for the details. You'll be just in time to join in for February!"...the dare to slow down and wake up and receive all God gives for what it is — a gift. Take the the Joy Dare. Isn’t that what Aristotle said– “We are what we repeatedly do.”
Then Christianity isn’t an act — but our faith is expressed only in our habits.
A habit of not complaining, but the habit of giving thanks; the habit of not worrying, but a habit worshipping. The habit of repeatedly giving God praise that our lives might become a prayer. Small is always the leverage of large. It’s one moment after the other, the small moments that turn a life. It’s the small actions that can change a life.
It’s habits that can imprison you and it’s habits that can free you and when thanks to God becomes a habit, so joy in God becomes your life.
Maybe a life needs change over and over again — that constant turning to God? Not so much resolutions but revolutions."
I dare you! {wink, wink}
My gifts today:
1. Pieces of God's Word made new
2. Wayne Watson's "For Such a Time as This" recently rediscovered
3. An old photo of myself w/Heath when he was little...the true joy expressed in my face
4. A few quiet, peaceful moments to myself
5. Cramps...yes...reminding me I'm a woman by God's design
6. God's *timely* financial provision!