Monday, January 30, 2012


This is a piece of a post from Ann Voskamp over at A Holy Experience from just after the New Year. I'm taking this Joy Dare, to capture one thousand gifts in gratitude this year. I had started it once before about a year or so ago, but got rather lapse with it. So, I'm starting fresh, a new commitment! I'm a little behind in getting started, but starting nonetheless!

"...the dare to slow down and wake up and receive all God gives for what it is — a gift. Take the the Joy Dare. Isn’t that what Aristotle said– “We are what we repeatedly do.”

Then Christianity isn’t an act — but our faith is expressed only in our habits.

A habit of not complaining, but the habit of giving thanks; the habit of not worrying, but a habit worshipping. The habit of repeatedly giving God praise that our lives might become a prayer. Small is always the leverage of large. It’s one moment after the other, the small moments that turn a life. It’s the small actions that can change a life.

It’s habits that can imprison you and it’s habits that can free you and when thanks to God becomes a habit, so joy in God becomes your life.

Maybe a life needs change over and over again — that constant turning to God? Not so much resolutions but revolutions."
"Small is always the leverage of the large."  I love that. I need some new habits. Freeing habits! Won't you join me? Take a peek over here for the details. You'll be just in time to join in for February!

I dare you! {wink, wink}

My gifts today:
1. Pieces of God's Word made new
2. Wayne Watson's "For Such a Time as This" recently rediscovered
3. An old photo of myself w/Heath when he was little...the true joy expressed in my face
4. A few quiet, peaceful moments to myself
5. Cramps...yes...reminding me I'm a woman by God's design
6. God's *timely* financial provision!

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