Thursday, April 7, 2011

He Promises

I was going though and cleaning up some draft posts I had started and never finished and I stumbled upon this one.  It's an excerpt from "The God of Promise" post, by Edie over at Life in Grace.  She and her family had recently experienced a house fire, which resulted in these thoughts that I found so moving and just wanted to share:

"I know that God knows our groanings and He calms our fears with promises from His word, which can never be destroyed. He loves us with an inexorable love and He will burn away all impurities until we shine like gold.

He is the God of the burning bush. He is the fourth man in the fire. And He will lead us safely home.

Christ has come in the flesh to bear our sins, our burdens, our guilt. To restore what has been lost. To bring life where there’s death. To raise from the ashes beauty untold.

We are clinging to His promises.
We are humbled by His grace."

And then this from Edie's "About Me" post:
"...We are trusting God to restore the years.....the years the locusts have eaten—the mess we’ve made with the gifts he’s given us—the disgraceful way we’ve trampled on his goodness time and time again. He makes all things new. For the sake of Christ, alone.

I leave you with these words that are framed and sitting on my kitchen counter:

I am so glad that you have come.
I will pour out everything inside me so that you may leave
this table satisfied and fortified.
Blessings on your eyes.
Blessings on your children.
Blessings on the ground beneath you.
My heart is a ladle of sweet water, brimming over."

The Red Tent, Anita Diamanti
