Thursday, November 25, 2010


I had a thought a little while ago and thought I'd just come in and jot it down.  I got to thinking of all that I'm thankful for, and the list was so long.  Then I realized that there really isn't much that I'm NOT thankful for!  Even the bad/hard stuff - though it isn't fun to experience - shapes us, teaches us and brings us wisdom and perspective.  Besides, appreciation of the good stuff is only made richer by being familiar with the bad stuff too, right?  May God find me grateful not only on this day, but always and in all things! 


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Season of Gratitude

Well, with Thanksgiving being tomorrow, 'the holidays' are officially here! And there's talk everywhere about how to 'de-stress' your holidays, and the big question:  "What stresses you out the most during the holidays?"  You know what?  The thing that stresses me the most is everybody stressin' out!  For the season nicknamed, "the most wonderful time of the year" - when we're supposed to be thankful and loving and peace-seeking -  people sure can "Scrooge-out"!  Why do we do it?!  It seems so unnecessary!  Here's why:

I heard some good advice about de-stressing this season from Martha Beck, an author, O Magazine contributor, and LifeCoach.  I'm paraphrasing a bit, but these were her basic points:
  • Check your motivation.  Motivation is typically fueled by one of two things:  Love and Fear.  Doing things you love to do, or for someone/people you love and care about, vs. fear that if you don't do/make/get something, someone/people will be upset, disappointed, or you will fail, etc.  
  • Let 'good' be good enough.  You don't have to be perfect!  We tend to hold ourselves to a higher standard than others do, and often 'good' is more than plenty and perfectly acceptable for most! 
  • Find the humor in the holiday(s).  Don't take things (and yourself) too seriously.  Learn to let those 'mishaps' color your holiday & make it memorable rather than ruin it.
Love that!  Great 'checks' for our motivation and easing the stress of perfection.  Also, keeping an attitude of gratitude and a giving spirit will help you keep perspective and be more mindful of your actions.  It's hard to be grateful when your eyes are on yourself!  Joel Osteen says, "Constant gratitude shows humility because when we are thankful, we magnify God instead of magnifying our problems. It gives us proper perspective and opens the door for God’s grace, favor and supernatural empowerment."
 “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!” 1 Chronicles 16:34, AMP
So, maybe instead of asking, "What stresses you out during the holidays?", we should be asking, "What are you grateful for?"  Here's to our holidays being fueled by love and gratitude rather than fear of perfection and perception!

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!   ;-)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Multitude Monday, Vol. 6

I'm still new to this journey of One Thousand Gifts.  Still finding my way, still learning how to truly and earnestly appreciate all of the beautiful gifts the Lord has given and placed around me.  I yearn to get out of myself and take in my surroundings, the things and people that bring me joy, to savor the simple things and then turn them all upward in praise.  Ann Voskamp says,
"It’s only in the expressing of gratitude for the life we already have that we discover the life we’ve always wanted—a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. We come to feel and know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved — and by God."

Father, please open the eyes of my heart that I may see your glorious works around me with my physical eyes and ears and touch. Help me to slow down, pay attention, and take it all in.  And then return it all back to you and be a witness to others of your unfailing love, mercy and grace.   Amen.

72.  Thankful for time spent with visiting family that I don't get to see much.
73.  Fall colors finally showing up!  Beautimous!
74.  New peeps visiting our LifeGroup!
76.  Thankful for a church that honors and appreciates it's volunteers so graciously.
80.  Thanks to my awesome hubby for steppin' up and doin' chores, fixing dinner, dealing with the kids, etc. when I wasn't feeling well.  Even when he didn't feel that great himself.  I am beyond blessed!

If you'd like to join me with your own 1000 Gifts journey and join the Gratitude Community, click here or on the button below.  Have a blessed week!

holy experience