Monday, September 28, 2009


"Faith sees what your physical eyes can never see; Faith knows what your natural mind can never comprehend; Faith possesses what your physical arms can never hold."  -Roy Lessin


"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."  HEBREWS 11:1 NLT

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Everybody Knows

Here's a great passage that reflects some things I'm working on -things that if I'd only realized them a long time ago I probably could have lived a more "wholly" fulfilling life. (thus far!)  But that's part of the process - to forgive yourself, accept what you have to offer (and figure out how to use it), and move on -because you can only change from today on out!


Everybody Knows…

You can't be all things to all people.
You can't do all things at once.
You can't do all things equally well.
You can't do all things better than everyone else.
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else's.


You have to find out who you are, and be that.
You have to decide what comes first and do that.
You have to discover your strengths, and use them.
You have to learn not to compete with others,
Because no one else is in the contest of "being you."


You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness.
You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions.
You will have learned to live with your limitations.
You will have learned to give yourself the respect that is due,
And you'll be a being that's vitally alive.

Dare to believe....

That you are a wonderful, unique person.
That you are a once-in-all-history event.
That it's more than a right - it's your duty - to be who you are.
That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish,
And you'll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down.

-Author unknown

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I love this story.  I need to let go and jump...

“God gives us endurance we need to face whatever situation life hands us…

When I was a young boy…I told people that my father was stronger than anyone else in the world…

In those days a cherry tree grew in our backyard. This was my hiding place. Ten feet above the ground, a stout limb made a horizontal fork; a cradle on which I could lie face down, reading, thinking, being alone. Nobody bothered me there. Even my parents didn’t know where I went to hide. Sometimes Daddy would come out and call, “Walllyyy? Walllyyyy?” but he didn’t see me in the leaves.

I felt very tricky.

Then came the thunderstorm…

One day, suddenly, a wind tore through the backyard and struck my cherry tree with such force that it ripped the book from my hands and nearly threw me from the limb. I locked my arms around the forking branches and hung on. My head hung down between them. I tried to wind my legs around the limb, but the whole tree was wallowing in the wind.

Daadddeeeeeee!” I cried.

There he was… The branches swept up and down, like huge waves on an ocean – and Daddy saw me, and right away he rushed out in the wind and weather, and I felt so relieved because I took it for granted that he would just climb right up that tree and get me.

But that wasn’t his plan at all.

He came to a spot right below me, lifted his arms and shouted, “Jump.”


“Jump. I’ll catch you.”

Jump? I had a crazy man for a father. He was standing six or seven MILES beneath me, holding up two skinny arms and telling me to jump. If I jumped, he’d miss. I’d hit the ground for sure and die…

But the wind and rain slapped that cherry tree, bent it back, and cracked my limb at the trunk. I dropped a foot. My eyes flew open. Then the wood whirled and splintered and sank, and so did I, in bloody terror.

No, I did not jump. I let go. I surrendered.

I fell.

In a fast, eternal moment I despaired and plummeted. This, I thought, is what it’s like to die.

But my Father caught me. . .

Now in such a storm the tree which was our stable world is shaken, and instinct makes us grab it tighter; by our own strength we grip the habits that have helped us in the past, repeating them, believing them. We’d rather trust what is rather than what might be; that is, our power, our reason and feeling and endurance…We spend a long time screaming NO!. . .

But always, God is present. God has always been present. And it is God who says, “Jump.”

By Walt Wangerin, Jr.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Great Day

5 years ago today -nearly to the minute - my life changed forever.  September 15, 2004 @ 4:24p.m. my son Heath was born and made me a Mommy.  Finally, nearly 15 years after I first heard God whisper in my Spirit that I was destined to be a Mom, he was here.  After 13 years of marriage, 3 years of trying, and a miscarriage, he was here.  On my Mom's birthday, none the less.  And that was not planned -he showed up a month early!  What a great surprise, and I was so anxious to meet him.  He's such a great kid and I truly couldn't ask for better.  And what better way to celebrate the gift of my son than the day we celebrate the woman who gave the gift of  life to me.   I am so blessed!  Love you Momma, love you Heathy!  MUAH!

Monday, September 14, 2009

"What I Know for Sure"

This is a favorite quote by Oprah Winfrey that I keep posted on the wall above my desk.  I read it every once and awhile when I'm feeling down on myself or guilty that I haven't gotten something done.  Be blessed!

"What I know for sure is that no matter were you stand right now --on a hilltop, in a gutter, at a crossroads, in a rut --you need to give yourself the best you have to offer at this moment.  This is it.  Rather than depleting yourself with judgments about what you haven't done, who you could have become, why you haven't moved faster, or what you should have changed, redirect that energy toward the next big push --the one that takes you from good enough to better.  The one that takes you from adequate to extraordinary.  The one that helps you rise up from a low moment and helps you reach your personal best."  Oprah Winfrey

Hello and Welcome!

Hello!  Welcome to my blog!  I'm here because I wanted to create a fun, encouraging space to escape to when life makes other plans.  I'm an encourager by nature -it's my spriritual gift- so, that's just what I'm here to do!  Don't worry - I don't aim to be "Sally Sunshine" all the time.  Life is tough sometimes, and as I navigate my way through it I simply try to cling to my faith and pray that God will see me through.  I honestly can't imagine a life without Faith!  Some days are harder than others, and I may share that.  Others will be great, and I'll share that too.  That's what it's about -ups and downs - it's inevitable!  But hopefully through the good, the bad, and the ugly I can shine some light at the end of the day!  So come on in!