Friday, September 3, 2010

The Cleaner

I cleaned the bathroom mirror the other day, which had been clouded with water and toothpaste spots.   When I was finished I stopped and just took in the view. Not of myself, mind you…just ‘the view’ in general.  The clean, clear, unobstructed view. Then it struck me:  My spirit felt like the dirty mirror.  In the midst of my busyness & preoccupation with my son starting Kindergarten and new schedule, I had slipped away from time in the Word and prayer, out of communion with God.  Plus, this particular day was a challenge, having gotten behind in said new schedule, throwing off the rest of the day, along with some other issues.  So I was tired, frustrated, feeling defeated and inadequate. One of those things we women - especially moms - tend to do…trying to be that ever-elusive and basically *imaginary* Superwoman.  I even cried out to God at one point (literally), asking, “Lord, why can’t I do anything RIGHT?!”

Then, standing there in front of that newly-clean mirror, it became CLEAR. (Pun intended!)  I had let my spirit become cloudy with muck and yuck, having neglected that time with God and in the Word.  He is ‘The Cleaner’ who can wash away the water spots, and the dirt and muck from my soul.  But I have to ask for His services.  And He’s always available – 24 hours a day, in fact – if only I’d make myself available!  And I suspect He’ll remind me that His mercy and grace are included in that cleaning package, along with His love and forgiveness. And then He might offer this:

A woman who is imperfect, in need of grace, gloriously gifted, flawed and beautiful who dares to believe she's loved through it all by a God who has an amazing purpose for her life. No need to apply. You're already known. You've already been chosen. The Lord looks at the heart. “ (Based on 1 SAMUEL 16:7)         ~Holley Gerth

I’m gonna go buy stock in The Cleaner…

1 comment:

Cheryl Barker said...

Great post, Kristi. I'm in need of His mercy and grace every day, too. Blessings to you!